Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Cold Weather

                                              The Cold Weather

The weather is getting cold. I'm okay with the cold but i dislike it. Time to take out all the jackets and buy new ones.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


We read a a long famous noval To Build A Fire By Jack London. it was a great intersting story that me and my classmates enjoyed and embraced. After we finshed the story, we started  on a powerpoint presintation. We all work together to make this presintation and contrabuted are knowledge to make this presintation. Corey: he was the
many pereson who work on the powerpoint, in the typing and the gathering of the picture. He also put his , Daniels, and my ideas in more dital and easer to understand. Daniel: he was the the book worm in the project. He referd to the book and toled us the information. My: I was supiveser, ;)... just kidding I put ou the layout about the story and the powerpoint. I collected Corey's and Daniels, and mine, and lyeed nit and put it the right spots so the presentation canb make since and pepole could understand it more. We are going to presented by each pearson takling in each section of the powerpoint.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Most Dangerous Game

                                  The Most Dangerous Game
The most Dangerous game is on of my favriote book because it was longer then many of the other books. I liked how the main charecter Rainsford changes his
view on hunteibg when he is the pray insted of the hunter. I liked how it keep me on my feet for all the suspense that it had. I would of happly read that insted of the
House On Mango Street.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How Combat Builds Character

                               How Combat Builds Character
   Combat builds lots of character. It builds Bravery by showing you that in combat you can be afraid. It builds leadership by having to show that you can lead someone in the right way. It builds friendship in haveing to depand on pepole to help you out and when you have to help them.

Friday, October 1, 2010

No Speak English

                                                        No Speak English   
      Esperanza's neighbor is trying saves money to have his wife flown over from Mexico. When she arrives in a taxi she gets stuck in the door because she is huge .The neighbor and the taxi driver get her out. They go into the house and never get out. She gets home sick and wants to go home.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Four Skinny Trees

                                                       Four Skinny Trees
   Esparanza is comparing hereself with four skinny trees outside her window. The Trees have skinny necks and pointy elbows like here. She sayes that does are the only pepole that understand here.
